What is the range alarm on Catchbox microphones?


All Catchbox microphones (Clip, Stick, and Cube) have a built-in security feature - the out of range alarm system.

It activates when a microphone is taken beyond the Hub DSP receiver's range of 100 m (330 ft), sounding an alarm to alert the user. 

The purpose of it is to help prevent accidental loss or intentional theft of microphones. The alarm automatically stops when the microphone returns within the Hub's range. 

When setting up your Plus system, there is nothing you need to do to enable the out of range alarm. It is enabled by default on all microphones. 

Disabling the range alarm

While typically useful, there is an option to disable the range alarm if needed. To do this, navigate to the specific mic channel on the Hub Input settings and locate the Out of range alarm option (third in the list, after Pairing and Changing channel name). To switch it off, you will need to do this for each microphone individually. 

Range alarm settings

The range alarm setting is device-specific, not channel-specific. When you disable it for a microphone, the setting is stored on the device, not the Hub. 

For example, if you disable the range alarm on a Stick mic and later pair it with a different Hub, the range alarm will remain off and must be re-enabled manually.

The option to disable the range alarm provides flexibility for specific use cases.