What are the Hub DSP receiver's processing paths and features?


The Hub DSP receiver offers advanced audio processing capabilities, including multiple processing paths, automixing, and external source mixing. 

Processing paths


External source mixer

Hub DSP features

Audio processing and quality

Key factors in high-quality audio capture 

USB audio interface

Simultaneous operation

Processing paths

Hub supports two main processing paths, with automixing happening before the signal splits. 

Far-end/USB Processing path In-room Processing path
Available on USB output.  Available on mixed 3-pin, RCA, and Dante® output.
Optimizes audio for remote participants. Critical for unsupervised spaces requiring voice lift. 
Maintains clarity and dynamics while minimizing fatigue-inducing elements during extended listening periods.  Minimizes acoustic feedback risks caused by user error or room imperfections. 


Hub receiver performs automixing on all connected Catchbox microphones and:

  • Focuses on the microphone currently being used while discreetly attenuating others.
  • Reduces ambient noise pick up, comb filtering, and acoustic feedback. 
  • Ensures quick reaction to rapid-fire discussions without losing first syllables. 

While Automixing is exclusive to Catchbox microphones, the Hub allows integration of other audio sources through various inputs:

Dante® input: For including other microphone systems or audio sources. 

USB-IN: For computer audio or video conferencing far-end audio. 

AUX-IN: For analog audio sources. 

These additional inputs are not part of the automixing process but can be mixed with the Catchbox microphone signals post-processing. 

External source mixer

After each processing path, additional audio sources can be mixed in:

USB-IN: For far-end audio in video conferences. and online calls.

AUX-IN: For other audio sources with analog output. 

Dante®-IN: For digital audio from network sources. 

This flexibility allows for comprehensive audio management in various scenarios, from simple setups to complex multi-source configurations. 

Hub DSP features

Auto EQ and Auto Level 

Auto EQ adjusts bass frequencies and balances sound levels based on the speaker's voice and microphone characteristics. Clear audio is ensured without issues like boominess or nasal tones. Auto Level adjusts the overall volume to maintain consistent audio without manual adjustments. 

Echo Canceller 

Gently lowers the volume of microphones when the remote participants are speaking. Reduces incoming audio when someone at the near end (in the room) is talking. Prevents echo during two-way communication. Ensures far-end participants don't hear their own voices echoed back when Catchbox microphones are active. 

Feedback Suppression 

Reduces potential acoustic feedback due to unexpected peaks in speech volume or frequencies. Useful when Catchbox microphones are too close to loudspeakers. 

Howling Limiter

Protects against feedback by spotting and controlling screeching noice that occurs when sound from a speaker re-enters the microphone. 

Audio processing and quality

The Hub DSP receiver supports two main audio output types. 

Mic level Unmixed Audio Mixed and Processed Audio
Outputs each separate (unmixed) Catchbox microphone through balanced 3-pin connectors or Dante® output.  Processes and acts as a DSP and mixer for all channels of Catchbox microphones and external sources. 
Provides raw, high-quality sound.  Optimizes audio output quality and speech intelligibility automatically.  
Ideal for manual mixing and custom processing.  Reduces management needs and potentially replaces separate mixing and DSP equipment.
Offers maximum flexibility for integration with existing audio infrastructure (e.g., mixers, DSPs).  Allows for versatile audio routing (e.g., directing a specific microphone to an RCA output for an assistive listening device). 
Suitable for managed live events and scenarios requiring specific mixing and processing paths.  Improves audio consistency across different speakers and environments, making it ideal for multi-speaker events or situations with varying acoustic conditions. 

Key factors for high-quality audio capture 

1. Advanced audio processing and level management

  • Wide dynamic range captures the full spectrum of human voice from whispers to loud screams. 
  • Continuous monitoring and real-time adjustments of input levels. 
  • Instant response to changes in inout level, preventing distortion from sudden loud noises while preserving soft sounds. 

2. Pickup pattern

  • Features a Focused OmniTM pickup pattern.
  • Captures sound omni-directionally at lower frequencies and becomes increasingly directional at higher frequencies. 
  • Ensures excellent intelligibility and clarity while being forgiving to speaker movements. 

3. Dynamic range 

  • Handles the full range of human voice without distortion or audio clipping. 
  • Eliminates the need for constant gain adjustments to accommodate different speakers. 

4. Frequency range

  • Well-balanced frequency response optimized to reproduce the human voice accurately. 
  • Ensures clear audio transmission and reduces listener fatigue during extended sessions. 

USB audio interface

The Hub can function as a USB speakerphone device, enabling a clear two-way communication for video calls or recordings. It integrates with computers and video conferencing platforms (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet etc.). Computer audio is being routed through the Hub to in-room loudspeakers. 

Simultaneous operation 

All inputs (including USB, AUX, and Dante®) and outputs can work simultaneously, providing maximum flexibility for complex audio setups and multi-source scenarios.