How to pair Catchbox mics with the Hub?


The Catchbox Plus Hub receiver can be paired with up to two mics/transmitters simultaneously. To reduce the setup time, each transmitter and Hub unit have been paired in our production facility before shipping.

In case you need to pair the Cube audience or Clip presenter mic with the Hub on your own, here's how to do it and what do the different LED lights mean on the microphones:

Cube audience mic

Clip presenter mic

Status LED behaviour


Cube audience mic

  • Position the Cube within 3m / 10 ft from the Hub receiver 
  • On the Hub screen, go to the Cube section
  • Press the right navigation button to highlight the Settings section
  • Confirm with the middle button
  • Navigate to the Pairing section and activate pairing on the Hub
  • Remove the Cube capsule from the soft cover by twisting and pulling to release the magnets
  • Long press the first button from the top of the capsule (Pairing button)
  • Wait until the Cube is paired (LED lights turn green on both the Hub and Cube)

Clip presenter mic

  • Position the Clip within 3m / 10 ft from the Hub receiver 
  • On the Hub screen, go to the Clip section
  • Press the right navigation button to highlight the Settings section
  • Confirm with the middle button
  • Navigate to the Pairing section and activate pairing on the Hub
  • Long press the Mute button that is on the side of the Clip to initiate pairing
  • Wait until the Clip is paired (LED lights turn green on both the Hub and Clip)

Status LED behaviour

Here's an a short guide explaining what the different LED lights on the microphones indicate about the pairing status with the Hub and power levels. 


A status indicator chart for a device, showing different states and their corresponding LED colors.