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  2. Remote Control & Monitoring

How does the Catchbox Plus API work?


The Catchbox Plus system API allows for remote control and monitoring of Catchbox microphones. It uses UDP for communication and provides functionality for device discovery, connection, and command execution.

For detailed command lists and error codes, refer to the full documentation.


Key features

Basic setup steps

Implementation considerations

Key features 

  • Auto-discovery using mDNS protocol
  • Direct connection option
  • UDP socket communication
  • JSON-based command structure 

Basic setup steps

1. Device discovery 

  • Use mDNS to discover Catchbox devices on the network
  • Service type_catchbox._udp.local
  • UDP port: 39030

2. Establishing a connection 

  • Create a UDP socket connection to the device's IP and port
  • No authentication required (ensure network security)

3. Sending commands

  • Use JSON format for commands
  • Three types of commands: get value, set value, and subscribe 

4. Receiving data

  • Responses are in JSON format
  • Include an "error" parameter for status

5. Subscription commands 

  • Allow periodic updates for specific values
  • Can subscribe to multiple parameters for audio activity

Implementation considerations 

  • Choose appropriate libraries for mDNS and UDP communication in your programming language
  • Ensure the network allows communication on port 39030
  • Handle potential network complexities (e.g., different IP subnets)
  • Be cautious with subscription frequencies to avoid flooding the communication channel